Realistic self care for the chronically ill and in pain
Self-care suggestions like "go to the movies" or "walk the dog" are not helpful if you can't actually do them because you're chronically ill or in pain.
I've designed a unique set of self care cards with chronically ill people in mind. These cards are customised for your needs, and are written by someone who's been sick and often homebound or bedridden for over 20 years.
Each beautiful Energy-Saving Self Care card offers you a specific gentle action to support you in taking care of your mind and body. The deck offers 60 action cards, plus 5 blank cards you can personalise with your own actions, and instructions about adapting cards to your own ability level.
Three groups of cards
Cards have been sorted into three categories - "Internal" cards have suggestions that are all in your head. "External" cards for things you can do in the world, and "Sensory" for suggestions that cater to your five senses.
Range of ability levels
Cards have been written so they are easily adapted for a range of ability levels. The included instruction sheet gives you more suggestions for adapting different aspects to fit you personally.
Personalise Your Deck
Each pack includes several blank cards so you can add your own personalised suggestions to your deck. Send your ideas back to Ricky and maybe they'll appear in version 2!
Get your own deck
Each deck costs just US$19.99 plus postage.
I'm using the Game Crafters site so I can do print on demand cards. This link will take you straight there - order your own deck today...